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26 October 2010

I-search background

I search background
The personal history I have of love is long and convoluted. As it is the basis for my paper, I’ll fill you in on my dealings with love from the start until recently. I started out as most do by loving my mother. I still do. I loved my dogs, cats, even my sister. These were the comfortable loves born of closeness and familiarity. I loved Gillian in the second grade in the way second graders do. This love was not enduring because her family moved away and I was too young to pine for long. In junior high, high school and the first year of college I discovered a different, more glandular type of love. These were, in hindsight, not so much love as a pheremonal response. I thought I could build love, so I picked out a fine female specimen and married her, but that dissolved quickly when I realized I couldn’t force love. I found love when I wasn’t even looking for it, and learned what it really means to be in love. I felt like I was living in a ripped bodice novel with the combined physical and emotional passion. I wanted this to last forever, but she died. Again I wasn’t looking, yet love jumped into my face like a big Newfoundland. I have been with my wife for eleven years now, and still have weak knees when I see her. I’m not going to describe love to you, you either know it or you don’t. I’m going to find out how to keep love.

1 comment:

  1. It's such a weird isearch topic, so why should I be surprised that it opens weird?

    I want to tentatively say yes, but weasel out of saying it categorically. Let me try to shift the burden of anxiety about your isearch back to where it belongs: you.

    In other words, this is a once-over-quickly version. If you had time and I had a nicely cracking whip, you could give us reams on your marriages....

    So, wait a second--if everything has been so grand, why is keeping love even a question? Has it been a problem in your life, your wife's cancer aside? Shouldn't you be telling us why this is an issue for you? Maybe in the next section? Let's see....
