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27 September 2010


The best thing about these essays is that the writers all took a different approach and used their own styles, different  but with the same effect.  Most of them drew me in right away, and I found myself genuinely interested, but some did not.  Steven's piece on being laid off hit home with me, so I think there was a premade bias to enjoy that one.  Kevin is a Calvinist, and found that angle many of us slide down this time of year but somehow expressed it rather nicely.  Loved Patsy's opening but I'm a sucker for gotchas.  I think my favorite was Missy's.  I like the Fallout imagery and love the way she spun it around.  There is also something soothing when someone else is not afraid.  I wish I could write like those writers and be able to draw in the reader with one little paragraph, but that's what taking this class is for.

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