Pillay, S. (2010, august 3). 7 Fears That Hide in "Falling out of Love". Retrieved from The Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/srinivasan-pillay/7-fears-that-hide-in-fall_b_668462.html
This is a different take on falling out of love. Any web site that quotes Shaky ("love is not love when it alteration finds,") is okay with me, even though I don't believe some of what is written here.
Rase, J. (2010, january 15). How to keep love and sex in your life after 50. Retrieved 2010, from Let Life In: http://www.letlifein.com/2010/01/15/how-to-keep-love-and-sex-in-your-life-after-50/
A lot of trite nuggets, most of which you've heard, but there must be truth in repetition.
Robinson, M. (2009, sept 6). The Lazy way to stay in Love. Retrieved from Psychology Today: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/cupids-poisoned-arrow/200909/the-lazy-way-stay-in-love
Don't really care for the magazine, but this is as close as you can get to biological nuts and bolts.
Love the annotations, and I'm sure when you need to lick the layout of the entries into shape, you will.