I suppose if I sat down and thought about it I would come to the conclusion that she is the smartest person on earth, but it’s hard to think about her in any other way than the two-bit trollop she is and most likely always will be. She was my pelvic affiliate for a whole summer in Bar Harbor, and that was a lifetime back then. We might as well have been loons mated for life. One out of two ain’t bad. I remember exchanging synaptic fluid for gin one evening in the Central House, sort of a hobby-shop for like minded individuals. She was already there when I arrived so I figured she’d blow a one-oh, maybe higher. We formed our relationship on the rock that is made from grains. Days later I professed my undying love for her after we made the beast with two backs, and she said she believed in love in principle, but believed in reality it merely led to stained upholstery. She was perfect. In late August she left with smile and told me I’d never see her again. She was going back to her husband and kids, wouldn’t say where, and told me the name she was using wasn’t even hers. She’d played me from the get-go, but after I calmed down I really wondered who used who.
There are times when I wonder about her; do we have any kids? Was she telling the truth even at the end? Was there ever any love? My roommate tried to tell me she was odd at the outset; that she was too old for me, but I was struck. She got exactly what she wanted, and I looked for a blue Toyota for years.
I'm commenting on 4 & 5 together under 5.